Scouting in our Family

                                                             “Do Your Best”
                                                                  A Scout
                         ” Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind,
                            Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean & Reverent”



Scouting is a huge part of our families life! My husband earned his Eagle in December of 1989 so when we had our two boys I knew what was in our future. Scouting teaches boys so much from life skills to working as a team. I have truly seen my boys learn and grow with every step they take in Scouts. K finished Cub Scouts 8 months early earning his Arrow of Light (the highest award a Cub can earn) an his Super Achiever (that means he earned all 20 badges as a Webelo) then crossed over to Boy Scouts and has finished his first two ranks (Scout badge & Tenderfoot) in the first 7 months! I am very proud if you can’t tell… LOL. B participated with his brother in Cub Scouts for his 4 years then finally got his chance to be a Tiger Cub in June of 2011. He has just moved to Wolf and is following in his Dads and Brothers foot steps. As a Scout Leader I love working with the Scouts and trying new activities and camping in new places so I will share that with y’all to maybe give other Scouters so new ideas!

Happy Scouting!